Tribute Wall
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Amazing Grace Baptist Church
8479 Highway #1
Upper Granville, Nova Scotia, Canada
Funeral Service
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Amazing Grace Baptist Church
8479 Highway #1
Upper Granville, Nova Scotia, Canada
Amy Evans posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Sherri and Ethan, I am so sorry for you loss. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.
David Thompson posted a symbolic gesture
Sunday, February 12, 2023

Sheri and Ethan. Sorry to read of Ron's passing and yet know that he fought the battle and won. His peace is permanent and without pain. Dave Thompson
Tanya posted a symbolic gesture
Thursday, February 9, 2023

We love you Sherri and Ethan. Was such a huge blessing to our family when you lived at our house for several months before you found your new home. You were all more of a blessing to us then we to you. Still miss the mornings when Ron would turn on the tv in the apartment side and watch the news or a old movie that scared us out of our minds( just by the volume) but wouldn’t mind at all. Was quite funny! Tanya
Tasha posted a condolence
Thursday, February 9, 2023
Sometimes you don't realize how much you'll miss someone until they're not here anymore. Bro. Ron and Elbethel will always go together in my mind. So many great times there ( except for the work days with the blackflies) I've been reminded of a message that was preached about " Would your church miss you if you weren't there?" We all know the answer to that question! Yes! He will be missed. Our prayers and support are yours Sheri and Ethan.
Vinitia lit a candle
Thursday, February 9, 2023

Condolences to you at this difficult time of mourning. Love always, Ron's daughter Vinitia, son Corey and 6 grandchildren from the west coast. A life before 1996.
Angela Armstrong posted a condolence
Thursday, February 9, 2023
In 2018 Ron and Ethan came into my store to buy a painting for Sheri. Ron talked about his church Amazing Grace with such joy and invited me to check it out several times. In 2022 we did “check it out” and never looked back! I am thankful for his kindness and for the lessons he taught without knowing.
Charity posted a condolence
Thursday, February 9, 2023
Mrs Sheri, the best memory I have is of Bro. Ron telling the story of how you met and got married.He told it with such a great chuckle!
I always thought it was one of the best ever. Your story is an amazing example of faithfulness and forever love!
Thinking and praying for you and Ethan.
Dave and Martha Dings posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Sheri and Ethan,
Dave and I are very sorry to hear the sad news of Ron's passing. We always enjoyed our visits to your store and also to see what Ron's latest project was. He was a very talented woodworker but his greatest accomplishment was and is his family.
Ron Harris posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
My most precious memories are of the two of us clearing trees at Elbethel with reciprocating saws, because our wives didn't want us using power saws due to health issues we both had.
That led to nights spent at the outside fireplace, solving the world's problems and getting to know each other.
3 am seemed to come too fast!
What a blessing and privilege to have such a friend and Brother.
Rhonda Farrer posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
I remember the first time my husband and I met Brother Ron and Ms. Sheri. Was at our first camp meeting. Brother Ron and Ms. Sherri were sitting in front of us. Made us feel very welcome and always was smiling even enduring such great pain.
Praying for you Ms. Sherri and Ethan.
Ed, Rhonda, Jeremiah and Amelia Farrer
Laura posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
My favourite memories of Bro. Ron have to do with the years we spent sitting behind him,Mrs. Sheri, and Ethan in our "little church building" at Amazing Grace Baptist Church. He was always ready with a "Good Morning!" and a smile.
Another thing that surprised me about him was how much he LOVED babies. When our daughter Della was born, he wanted to hold her every Sunday. It was quite a picture to see this gruff, bearded man snuggling a tiny newborn. She never cried or fussed with him, and when I commented on it, he told me he had a secret. He said to hold the baby close, and hum really low. He said it works every time.
We will miss him and his smile and laugh, but it is such a comfort to know that we will see him again.
Laura Hiltz for the Hiltz Family - Aaron, Laura, Cecily, Gilbert and Della
Andrew Conrad posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
I will never forget the example Ron was in working through pain and discomfort. I really think that working for God and having a project was therapy for him. He will remain an inspiration to me. Somehow he always made you feel that the task he entrusted to you was the most important one for that day and that you were lucky to be chosen for it. Building things right the first time, building things stronger than code, building things to last; that was Ron Walker. He and Sheri were "Mister" and "Sister" to me and though his body has finally given up the ghost; his soul, his spirit and his memory will live on everytime I see the things he laboured over. He truly was a Labourer for Christ. To witness the peace on his countenance in his last days was such a blessing and a testimony of how Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour makes all things new.
Michal Lopianowski posted a symbolic gesture
Wednesday, February 8, 2023

I first met Ron in Amazing Grace Baptist Church having just given a testimony about my 3 weeks stay in the Hospital with pneumonia. I was fairly weak, but Ron hobbled over with his oxygen and sat down beside me and with a warm and welcoming smile shared how he totally connected with my pain as he himself had endured the same. He said it was all God's will and to His Glory alone, and to endure the pain with the joy of the Lord. I was comforted and touched that he made his way from across the other side of the church in his fragile state to welcome and encourage me. See you soon Ron.
Brandon Lake uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, February 8, 2023

I will never forget the day that day Ron trusted Christ as his Saviour. I never saw him happier. I cherish the memory of my friend. I will miss him so much, but will see him again soon. Heaven just got sweeter for me.
Percy Lake posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Bro. Ron had an infectious sense of humouŕ. You could not be in conversation long before a smile would break forth! I especially loved the creativity and exuberance he brought to the varied roles he played in the annual Christmas plays. Bro. Ron was a character in the best sense of the word. His love for God was evident in all that he did. Rest easy, Bro. Ron, you are home at last!
The family of Ronald Herbert Walker uploaded a photo
Monday, February 6, 2023

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